with everything going on in the world…

I wanted to post a little bit about what is going on in the world now.  It’s scary, yes.  It is unknown, yes.  It is overwhelming, yes.  However, I was telling someone the other day, this might actually bring the world a little bit closer, at least that is what I am hoping for. WithContinue reading “with everything going on in the world…”

i may be right, but so are you

One thing I have learned with mental illness, and with basically everything in life, is that there are so many different opinions on how to recover and live your life, and so many different avenues to take.  I’ve read many books on self help and they all have great advice, however those are all differentContinue reading “i may be right, but so are you”

my first trip to the city that never sleeps…

However, the city that never sleeps may sleep, a few years ago I went for a run early in the morning in New York, and it was pretty quiet, maybe a few people walking, it was pretty early, but I think people were sleeping😊 Along with my schizophrenia, I have anxiety.  I have anxiety aroundContinue reading “my first trip to the city that never sleeps…”

oh yes, I have schizophrenia

I speak openly about my mental illness, however because of the stigma people are scared to speak up, and I completely understand why.  When I tell people I have schizophrenia, they think I am this major crazy unstable insane person who can’t keep a sentence together, and right there in that moment they think IContinue reading “oh yes, I have schizophrenia”